DEMO: Till chapter 8, then it was pay, AMAZING, Irus, Oren, and Dena all have me hooked (how do you literally have me stretched between ALL of the male options?)
Intriguing start, prince RO or siren RO
Absolutely amazing, among my favorites
Frequent updates, b!tch goes after your RO either way
Really interesting so far, modern day setting
Not much done yet, gives Viaticia vibes
Super interesting, cannot wait to bring down ex-fiance and fall in love with his brother
Uncertain about
Uncertain about, not quite my usual type of IF
Uncertain about yet
One of my favorites
Bought on steam, amazing, both Cyril and Wilfred had me
Murder mystery, similar to Wayhaven Chronicles, not like others on this list
Amazing, super interested, however I think it's dropped
Frequent updates, you are a changeling, Prince is pretty forgiving, no locked in RO yet
A bit more difficult to comprehend, not really locked into a RO at the moment
You're cursed, uncertain
Lion is the only one for me, a bit shorter, close to completion
Play as Mordred
Pendragon, Ro choice: Arthur
Pretty good, undecided on revenge or love, can I do both without hurting my darling?
My favorite one ever, Xelef is my bae
One of my favorites