All Yazeba's Jam Submissions during 2022 - 2024. To be updated with each new Jam.
$4 - 2024 Yazeba's Jam - has an unknown amount of Chapters and at least four unique Guests:
$1- 2024 Yazeba's Jam - has the following Guest:
2024 Yazeba's Jam - has the following Chapter:
Chapter ⛈: What Happened Back Then
tags: Pensive, Sal, Locked, Gaggle of Guests
With Sal and anyone who likes gossip
Guest Starring: Vyra Odidae, and a gaggle of guests
In which Sal and Vyra think back to the end of their relationship, and how things are now
2024 Yazeba's Jam - has the following Chapter:
2024 Yazeba's Jam - has the following guest:
2024 - Yazeba's Jam - has the following Guests:
$4 - 2023 Yazeba's Jam - has the following Chapters:
And the following Guests:
$8 - 2023 Yazeba's Jam - has the following Guests:
2023 - Yazeba's Jam - Brochure with inspiration for a desert holiday setting (and a character too) for the various Guests and Residents of Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast.
2023 Yazeba's Jam - has the following Guest:
Lauren Keith, an aspiring punk who uses she/her pronouns.
2023 Yazeba's Jam - has the following Chapter:
Chapter ???: The Presence in a Dream, With anyone who looks for deeper meaning in the subconscious.
2023 Yazeba's Jam - has the following Guest:
2023 - Yazeba's Jam - has the following Guest:
$4 - 2022 Yazeba's Jam - has the following Chapter and Guests:
$1 - 2022 Yazeba's Jam - contains a Guest and Chapter:
$5 - 2022 Yazeba's Jam - Chapters include the following:
$5 - 2022 Yazeba's Jam - Has 5 guests that take inspiration from existing characters, some of the guests are listed below:
$2 - 2022 Yazeba's Jam - contains the following:
2022 Yazeba's' Jam - has the following Chapter:
2022 Yazeba's' Jam, has the following Guests:
2022 Yazeba's' Jam, has the following Guest:
2022 Yazeba's' Jam, has the following Guests:
2022 Yazeba's' Jam, has the following Guest:
2022 Yazeba's' Jam, has the following Guests: