This one's kinda bad on purpose but it's still FNF cringe so I'm putting it in the hate collection lol.
Something I made in my cringe FNF phase. I made this like a year after FNF came out on like modding plus so yeah, not very fun. This was also back when I first started making music. Eww.
Something I made for an entry level university class. Not really all that much to look at, title describes it perfectly.
Something I made for a game jam. I actually don't hate this one as much as the others, I just don't really care for it all too much anymore. And the game this character comes from got cancelled so she'll never appear in anything again woops.
Something I made in a week. Interesting concept but not much beyond that and the Markiplier slander is very cringe. I like Vizzy though, I'll make sure to use her in later stories.
Something I made for a game jam. Was originally going to be a side route for Mirror Drama but I've since scrapped this idea for the full game and will instead only be using a small part of this game. Consider it non-cannon.
Something I made for a game jam. I like the concept and I like the weird vertical logo but it's very short and doesn't have a lot of substance. Very forgettable.
This was a VERY early version of Mirror Drama that I've gone to great lengths to distance myself from. However, I still want to leave it up so that people can see how it all started. Just don't take anything from this build as cannon.