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a collection by
C. R. Legge
· last updated
2025-02-08 01:29:11
Follow C. R. Legge
Following C. R. Legge
Unfollow C. R. Legge
Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Body
A murder mystery TTRPG for 3 to 5 players and 1 GM
C. R. Legge
F#^% C.A.P.I.T.A.L.I.S.M.
Go. Home.
C. R. Legge
Miniature Millinery
A collection of magical headwear for a Mosaic Strict urban fantasy setting.
C. R. Legge
Soft Focuses Second Edition
In bundle
How will the circumstances that surround you affect your life?
C. R. Legge
The Tortuous Trail
You are in a maze. You don't know why you are here, or how long you have been here.
C. R. Legge
I'm In...
*hacker voice*
C. R. Legge
Out of the Mine
Together or not at all
C. R. Legge
Venture Out
C. R. Legge
Witch's Brew
Who will you be and how will you influence the world around you?
C. R. Legge
Soft Focuses
You are an alternate version of yourself. You have ADHD.
C. R. Legge
Greetings From ______
How will you leave your mark on the map?
C. R. Legge
Beyond the Pages
Where will you go and what stories will you tell?
C. R. Legge
Totally Real Human Trick-or-Treaters
Costumed & Ready to Consume
C. R. Legge
Long Rest
A storytelling game about trauma, compassion, and working together to move on.
C. R. Legge
We Don't Live Here Anymore
An introspective single player game in the form of a buisness
C. R. Legge
Pop-Up Gallery
A game for artists (by atrists), about looking at the world from a different perspecptive.
C. R. Legge
Totally Real Human Adults
Overcoated & Underhanded
C. R. Legge