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· last updated
2025-02-12 17:37:29
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Line to the Deep
A solo journaling fishing game in an 8 page zine!
Not Your Witch
A new life in a cottage in the countryside. Why does everyone think you're the village witch?
Black Armada Games
A game of gender.
Kay Marlow Allen
Curious Creatures
A Cozy Fantasy Solo RPG
Long Games
Path to Witchery
A solo-journaling RPG where you take on the role of a village witch in training, using cards, a die, and a journal
Anna Wolf
Village Witch
A solo journaling game about a witch finding a home.
Eliot Crow
dead man's hand
a weird west solo storytelling texas holdem hack
The Apothecaire's Apprentice TTRPG
A 1-2 player journaling game of potion making and worldbuilding.
La Lionne Publishing
Welcome Aboard, Captain
Print-and-play solitaire sci-fi game
Lone Spelunker
Bookstore by Chance
A journaling RPG
Space Owl!
Brambletrek - A GM-Less Journalling RPG
A GM-Less or Solo Journalling RPG Adventure
Crossed Paths
Ruin Explorer
A contemplative solo journaling RPG
Hedge Witch
In bundle
A cozy solo journaling RPG about a little witch failing forward in a big forest.
Shouting Crow
The Adventurer: Space Between the Stars
A solo journling game of drifitng from planet to planet.
James Chip
The Adventurer
A solo story writing game
James Chip
Edible Plants of the Fantasy Wilds
In bundle
a forager's guide
Darkheart Games
The Witch's Almanac
A magical game of solo exploration.
Perigon Falls
Solo-journaling RPG, where you play a hiker in a mysterious national park
Sasha Jarkaz
Quill & Quest
A Cozy Fantasy Solo-RPG
Long Games
A Wolf's Tale
Play as a brave wolf in this TTRPG while exploring the vast wilderness.
Vinícius de Souza
Emerald Valley - A Treasure Hunt Mini RPG
Emerald Valley - A Treasure Hunt RPG
Magic Brew: Legacy
In bundle
A dice-rolling, card-collecting game for 1+ players.
Lucky Newt Games