as you approach the glass display you ask the shop keeper to show you the good stuff. he motions to the selection before you… an array of safe and standard recommendations that confidently lie beneath the glass.
“no…” you say as you lean in. insisting, “show me the good stuff.”
the shopkeeper nods and takes you to the back, showing you the Goods…
this is an interesting combination of all sorts of visual elements... video, weird 3d... i like how jumbled it is.
thanks to MS Paint horoscope i can eliminate all misfortunes from my life
food for thought type of game. a simple idea that prompts you to imagine the character’s journey through a level. I’m kinda wondering now if too much game literacy gets in the way of imagination. like i “gave up” when the level stopped fitting the classic play trope. are we conditioned to view games a certain way? does game literacy inhibit our way to look at or play games to a certain extent?
this one is interesting. i love how you ascribe meaning to what you are clicking on, based on the sequence... definitely a unique way of conveying a story in a game.
short touching twine about saying goodbye
bitsy as small interactive short stories… see all of them here
these are beautiful.