as you approach the glass display you ask the shop keeper to show you the good stuff. he motions to the selection before you… an array of safe and standard recommendations that confidently lie beneath the glass.
“no…” you say as you lean in. insisting, “show me the good stuff.”
the shopkeeper nods and takes you to the back, showing you the Goods…
this is an unbelievable singular beautiful heart-wrenching experience. i don't know what to say. it will make you cry.
you fish for bones from your grandma. it ends up being really metaphoric. each time you find a bone, the bone is associated with a memory. the music, delivery, pieces of story about what happened, will make you cry. it's stunning. i love this. you REALLY have to try it.
this is just... amazing. everything about it is so cool and weird and wonderfully strange. YOU NEED TO TRY THIS!!!!