Misc Devlogs Page 6
Hi! I've started work on a sort of sequel that will take place farther in the future. The tone will be quite different, but it will have ties to the original ga...
Session Zero has become a cornerstone of best practices for TTRPGs. But as I researched templates online, I noticed many are several pages long—great for dept...
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Things Done: Falling Rock Area (Previously Boulder Area) Removed: Rolling Boulder (Was not able to properly animate it in sequencer) Boulder (Chaos Fracture) (H...
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We round off the battle system tutorial with part 3! Today's article covers animations and tile swapping, giving our battle system both an improved look. With t...
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Ce mardi, nous avons repris là où nous nous étions arrêté lundi. Il s'avère que Unity ne sauvegarde pas les animations capturée en stream. Il doit y avoi...
Ce lundi, nous avons eu accès à la formule Prenium de Rokoko studio. Après plusieurs essaies, nous avons réussis à relié Unity à Rokoko Studio. On peut v...
Changes Changed the default optin message to be more friendly Slightly modified extension info Added new setting “Customise Level Up” (Disables the base lev...
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Correction mineure : ajout des pages manquantes du SRD sous le chapitre 4...
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Hey everyone I would like to say that I have made a Neep's Pizzeria Commercial And it is now out on YouTube Special thanks to the Real Bonnie the bunny for voic...
Publication initiale...
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Une adaptation digeste et gratuite des règles de la 5e édition.
Skipping over v0.88 for a banger, here are all the changes from v0.87 to v0.89: Proteus SP increased in exchange for other stats. MISSILE Missiles and Buster Ca...
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First update in over a year! Thanks everyone for using CC-LINK; I may make a list of people currently using the theme and I’ll reach out if I can feature you...
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Thanks to GameMaker’s OperaGX runner now being open for general use , it’s now much easier to port stuff like this to web. It’s awesome. Anyway, there’s...
At long last, the Bob Zine is completed and released. If any changes are made to the page, it'll be adjusting credits probably. and my goal is to provide a devl...
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Nous avons enregistré et monté la vidéo de compte rendu de la semaine. La vidéo est disponible ici :...
Hello pixel friends! <3 Yesterday Aseprite posted on twitter about it's new versions v1.3.9 and their new beta v1.3.11-beta2, with this they showed a couple new...
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v1.0.1 Small Bug Fixes...
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Create a dynamic temperature system and give a new mechanic to your game!
German / Deutsch : Die deutsche Übersetzungsdatei des Rezepts: " Crêpes mit Beeren " von Somik & Severinka wurde soeben heute aktualisiert ! Die Texte und Lin...
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German / Deutsch : Die deutsche Übersetzungsdatei des Rezepts: " Crêpes " von Somik & Severinka wurde soeben heute aktualisiert ! Die Texte und Links wurden d...
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German / Deutsch : Die deutsche Übersetzungsdatei des Rezepts: " Crêpes mit Kaviar " von Somik & Severinka wurde soeben heute aktualisiert ! Die Texte und Lin...
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Basically just made font smaller to fit smaller phone screens...
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Changes: -Now it shows what time the message was sent -Changed interface -Small changes -Bugs fixed...
Rediscovering an older plugin of mine, jMatch3, based on the library of the same name by Cyrille Bogaert sparked the additions made with the recent update of Ba...
I fixed Ending 21 saying "New Text Document" and changed it to "21" as it should...
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German / Deutsch : Die deutsche Übersetzungsdatei der " Mit Quark gefüllten Pfannkuchen " von Somik & Severinka wurde soeben heute aktualisiert ! Die Texte un...
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German / Deutsch : Die deutsche Übersetzungsdatei der " Mit Fleisch gefüllten Pfannkuchen " von Somik & Severinka wurde soeben heute aktualisiert ! Die Texte...
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Bonjour, aujourd'hui nous avons fini de modéliser le décors sur blender. Nous avons aussi raccroché une arme dans la main du personnage avec le mesh modélis...
Davy Jones Deckhand receives $40,000 CODE grant I am more than a little excited to share this news! After months and months of hard work on our application, fol...
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German / Deutsch : Die deutsche Übersetzungsdatei der " Mit Lachs & Frischkäse gefüllten Pfannkuchen " von Somik & Severinka wurde soeben heute aktualisiert...
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Aside from adding option to choose how many characters to display in decimal - Added visual features such ass changing colors of every single element - Differen...
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German / Deutsch : Die deutsche Übersetzung der Fleisch gefüllten Teigtaschen (Pelmeni) von Somik & Severinka wurde soeben heute aktualisiert ! Die Texte und...
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This new update mainly focuses on improving the functionality of the Box behavior. There is a new property called "Tiled" which when set to "No" will internally...
The compendium and weapon FX data have been updated to include macros for lines from the pack for Lancer: Battlegroup . There is no official Foundry module for...
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Deutsch / German: Das Rezept : " Canapés mit Lachs und Frischkäse " von Somik & Severinka , welches ich auf Deutsch übersetzt hatte , wurde soeben aktualisie...
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Hi , The app development is complete... I have just finish to record Tour des Collins...
Die deutsche Übersetzung des S&S Kochbuchs wurde heute auf v.8.11 aktualisiert! English: I have updated the German translation of the S&S Cookbook to v.8.11 to...
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This is basically the same test as before , only the options prompted to each model have been randomized, both their order and corresponding letter. The test op...
Up to this point I have only been releasing finished licenses, complete with art: I have decided to release all current playtest materials for larger playtest a...
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Finished the Battle Squid! In all likelihood this will be the last object that I will create for this game for the time being. I want to up the complexity of fu...
Fixed !setignore command from not functioning...
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An extension for sammi that adds dynamic levelling, similar to that in RuneScape
Welcome! The news page has some rules to follow, and ignoring to follow them may result in consequences. Only post comments related to iMakeStuffSC or any other...
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