This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-05-28 13:00:00 to 2020-05-29 16:00:00. View 5 entries

Welcome To The:
1 Day Game Jam
You Must Read The Rules Before Joining

- You Can Use Premade Assets
- You Can Use Premade Textures
- The Jam Is For Groups Of As Many Players As You Like
- You Cant Copy An Entire Game From Someone Else
- You Can Make The Game In Any Engine You Want
- And Of Coures Enjoing

The Theme Will Be Revel When The Jam Start
You Can See The Theme In The Discord Server And Here When It Revel

Find Your Team:
- If You Want To Make The Game With A Team You
Can Search It And Message That You Need A Team In The Discord Server And Hope
Someone Join To Your Team!

How To Submit?
You Will Need To Submit The Game
In The Web Page Of The Theme:

- Keep The Creativity On!


All submissions
Browser playable (3)
Windows (3)
macOS (1)
Linux (1)

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still a WIP
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