This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-12-20 08:00:00 to 2023-12-31 08:00:00. View results

Kitmaster Engine Game Jam

(plenty of time to join the discord and start learning kitmaster engine before the gamejam)

Welcome to the Kitmaster Engine Game Jam, where creativity meets innovation! This is your chance to showcase your game development skills and create amazing games using the Kitmaster Engine—an early alpha 2D game engine that's designed for both beginners and enthusiasts. (engine is in very early stages)

How to Participate:

  1. Get the Kitmaster Engine: If you haven't already, download the Kitmaster Engine from
  2. Create Your Game: Use the Kitmaster Engine to craft your very own 2D game. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a beginner, this engine is designed to make the game creation process intuitive and enjoyable, even in its early stages.
  3. Let Your Imagination Soar: There are no limits to your creativity! Build action-packed shooters, engaging platformers, or unique puzzle games—the choice is yours.
  4. Submit Your Entry: Once your game is ready, submit it for the Kitmaster Engine Game Jam. Keep an eye on the submission deadline to ensure your entry is received in time.

Game Jam Details:

  • Judging Criteria: Games will be judged based on creativity, gameplay, and overall fun factor.

Rules and Guidelines:

  1. All games must be created using the Kitmaster Engine.
  2. Your game can be any genre or style—let your imagination run wild!
  3. Teams are allowed, but please specify all team members when submitting.
  4. Make sure your game is suitable for all audiences. No offensive or inappropriate content will be accepted.
  5. By participating, you grant permission for your game to be showcased on the Kitmaster Engine website and related promotional materials.

Join the Community:

Connect with fellow developers, get help, and share your progress on our Discord channel. The Kitmaster community is here to support you throughout the game jam.

Ready to Get Started?

Download the Kitmaster Engine, unleash your creativity, and create the game of your dreams. The Kitmaster Engine Game Jam is your platform to shine, even as we continue to develop this engine in its early stages.

Let the game development begin, and may the best games win! Good luck, and may your creations inspire the world.