Next time set Cook All an Cook Maps Only in packaging settings so you don't bring birth to 11GB monster again :p
Play game
Down To Ground's pageTeam Name
Gameplay Instructions
Keyboard and Mouse.
You will use the following keys:
W,A,S,D to move
Left Shift to move faster
Spacebar to Jump
and Right Mouse Button (RMB) to Magnetize rocks
The mouse will be used to control the camera.
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
Existing UE4 Content:
Advanced Locomotion
Content Examples - (Zap noise , Zap particle beam emitter)
Editor Sounds (Package Start , Package Completed Successful )
Elemental Demo (Mountain)
Infinity Blade Assets (Fire Lands , Grass Lands , Ice Lands , Props , Village)
Rock Pack Pro
Third Person Shooter Kit (Clouds)
Wasteland Landscape
Water Planes (Ocean)
Water Materials (Waterfall)
Ultimate Game Music Collection (Ending Cinematic music)
Additional Content: (Eyeball) (Lightning Ambiance Sound)
To be fully transparent since I did sign up for Army of One. There was an attempt made for an hour to work collaborative with a friend using Multi-User Editor. I have attributed special thanks to that individual in my credits of the game though I worked on everything else solely. If you'd like to avoid the possible conflict of perception, especially since I attributed special thanks in the credits as I told my friend I would do, I do not mind if you remove me from the "Army of One" special category. From my perspective we weren't a full team though my project was aided. Thank you for running things fairly.
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