wow! In 2 player mode it is very funny. So beautiful and original, one of my favourite games
Team Name
Gameplay Instructions
Supersonic Squirrel Basketball can be played with gamepad, or keyboard+mouse.
Horizontal movement
Keyboard: AD
Gamepad: Left Joystick
Keyboard: Space
Gamepad: A button (Xbox mapping)
Cross floor (you can hold the key to cross the floor several times)
Keyboard: E
Gamepad: A button (Xbox mapping)
Throw the ball (with ball grabbed)
Mouse: Left Click
Gamepad: Right trigger
Dash (without ball grabbed)
Mouse: Left Click
Gamepad: Right trigger
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam.
nothing, but we used music and sound effect from the marketplace
Link to Gameplay Footage
Which Engine version did you use to create your entry?
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