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Bottle's pageTeam Name
Au De Sekia
Game Name
Link to Gameplay Footage
List any content that was created before the jam.
- Smoking Tequila Font:
- Zapsplat's sounds ( Exhale sound, cigarette lighter sound, take bottle sound and let bottle in the table sound.
Are you entering as a student team?
Which Engine version did you use to create your entry?
Gameplay Instructions
LMB to interact
Hold space to smoke
ESC to exit the game
What platform is your game built for?
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Like my life but in fiction
I know how you feel bro
Thanks to your game Yolanda has left me and I have been fired from my job. Good job, I had a good time playing. I guess.
I appreciate that my game has changed lifes, thanks :)
This was a funny one. The stories are a "thing". hahaha
Literally my life (oc no)
I don't understand the story, but it was fun sitting and smoking and drinking.
Thanks! The story is an excuse to smoke and drink (?) HAHAHAHA