I like the art style for this game. It feels a lot like the web games I used to play as a kid. This game feels a lot like an online web game too. It isn't deep, but not every game needs to be. On the keyboard controls, I don't like how the aim constantly drifts as the ship orbits. I found the mouse controls significantly better. That said, as genres go, I don't think removing the ability to move provides as many benefits as it takes away. There's certainly something to be said for having to predict where I'm headed so I can clear a path, but at the same time I find it more fun when I'm weaving between projectiles instead, and I think there's probably a lot more that can be done mechanically when you have agency over movement.
All that being said, this game is perfect for what it is. If there was more, it would be bloated. Less, and it would feel empty. This is a great lite arcade game, and I can't wait to see what you come up with next
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