Deadline extended to 4/2/2024 (2/4/24 if you are from the U.S.) for late submissions
An analogue game jam in 24 words
This game jam is for 24-words RPGs, open to game designers of all experience level. The goal of this game jam is to get people to create RPGs (24 words should be easy, right?), and to experiment with rules-lite mechanics, seeing what can be produced when RPG ideas are stripped down to their bare minimum.
Why 24-words?
This is a sequel to #12WordRPGJam, a jam we hosted from 15/1/2023 to 15/3/2023 with 173 entries.
One of my original intent for 12-word RPG Jam is the possibility for designers to create games with multiple sentences of equal word count—each sentence can be a step in the gameplay loop, or an instruction for a specific role. Like 12, 24 is a highly composite number with many divisors—1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24. Thus, a 24-word RPG can potentially be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 or 24 sets of instructions of equal number of words.
I have previously written an article for Geek Native On Game Jam Culture and Minimalist RPGs, which details my thoughts on the subject matter. Also check out the entries for 12-word RPG Jam to see the cool games people managed to design under the word limit.
- Write an analogue role-playing game (such as TTRPG or LARP) in 24 words.
- Analogue games are games with human facing instructions, contrasting video games with code executed by a computer.
- The rules/mechanics need to be in 24 words, but the game may have a separate title and introduction.
- It should be a standalone game, without the need for other game texts.
- The game has to be made within the jam period.
- It's fine if you have the idea before 1/1/24. Just make sure your project is created within the jam period.
- Multiple entries are allowed.
- It is recommended to mention RPG safety tools in the game description.
- No AI or crypto-art! Entries containing them will be removed.
- No hate speech or bigotry!
- We reserve the right to remove any submissions that are against the spirit of the jam.
I want people to be creative with the 24-word rule (but not ignore it). I wrote the FAQ mostly to inspire rather than to place restrictions.
- Are graphic elements and symbols allowed?
- It is in fact encouraged to use graphic elements to enhance your game! Punctuations and simple mathematic symbols are allowed and they don't add to your word count. However, if a symbol is used in place of a word, it counts as a word. When used in a list, bullet points are exempted from the word count.
- What about numbers/numerals and dice notations (1d6, 2d20, etc.)?
- Each individual number/numeral counts as a single word when used on their own. A dice notation counts as a single word rather than three. Both bullets in bullet points and numbers in a numbered list are exempt from the word count, with the former preferred over the latter to reduce confusion in word counting.
- Are emojis allowed?
If you struggle to come up with ideas, here are some prompts to get you started:
Prompt by Logan Timmins (BreathingStories): time passes, again

Prompt by Steffie de Vaan: midnight toy shop

Prompt by Luke Russel (Rook and Roll): secret

Prompt by W.H. Arthur: asymmetrical roles