This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-12-06 06:00:00 to 2025-01-03 04:59:00. View results

Time to bring back the late 90s... With a holiday twist! The 32Bit Jam series was created in order to get more people excited about making games inspired by late 90s aesthetics. This jam is for any project that looks like it belongs in the PS1 era. It's the perfect opportunity for developers and artists interested in 3D to have their first stab at it, as simple 3D visuals are part of the aesthetic. Full 3D, 3D mixed with 2D, Full 2D submissions are ALL allowed, as long as they feel like they belong in the same graphical era.

This jam is RANKED and has PRIZES . Must be apart of the discord community to be eligible to win.

Voting is open to the public. Voters must rate 3 random entries before you can rate others.

Join our Discord Server to team up, or just to chat and share your work!


The secret theme is: CRACKS IN THE FOUNDATION


1. You can use assets from asset libraries or create your own, just make sure to give due credit.

2. 3D mixed with 2D, Fully 2D, Fully 3D games are all allowed. For fully 2D games we encourage submissions that feature sprite transformations, transparency, full color sprites and other features that were not yet possible with (most) 16 bit consoles!

3. You can use whatever game engine you like, as long as the final result looks like it could run on a Playstation 1, Sega Saturn, or the Panasonic 3DO if you're feeling fancy. Think 240p, 4:3 aspect ratio, extremely lowpoly, low rez unfiltered textures!

4. While not strictly 32-bit, N64 & Dreamcast style games are also allowed as long as they feel authentic to the era.

5. Homebrew entries (Entries that run on actual classic hardware) are also allowed.

6. Working in teams is allowed. Working on multiple projects is also allowed.

7. This jam is ranked and voting is open to the public.

8. There are prizes in this jam! 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will be eligible. Hosts may deem any participant ineligible for any reason. Max 3 prizes per team. All team members MUST be apart of the discord to be eligible. No person may claim more than 1 prize. You must be at least eighteen(18) years of age to claim a prize.

 9. No AI generated work. No AI generated visual asset, no AI generated code, no AI generated audio asset. Assets must be made for the jam or be apart of a public, asset pack. Asset packs used cannot contain AI generated material either. 


Anistal Bastion AKA RookRules on YouTube and Twitch.

Rheia  Gaming on YouTube!

Fun Base Alpha on Twitch

Are you a streamer and want to be listed here? Send a DM to DevEarley on Discord or you may send me an email at


Submit a game and you may win a game! 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will be eligible to win a game code from Steam, Epic or GoG. Hosts may deem any participant ineligible for any reason. You must be a member of our discord to be eligible.  Up to 3 prizes per team. Must be 18 years or older to be eligible.

This is NOT winner takes all. 1st place gets to pick a title from the 1st place tier. 2nd picks from 2nd place tier. 3rd from 3rd. 1st will pick a prize from 1st place tier of prizes. 2nd will pick from 2nd tier, 3rd from 3rd. Prizes that are picked will be replaced with new titles. Max 3 prizes per team. All team members MUST be apart of the discord to be eligible. No person may claim more than 1 prize.  Up to 3 prizes per team. Prizes are announced on Discord.

Coolness Challenge

You get 3 "coolness" points for doing the following: writing a devlog, sharing our jam on social media and you can get a point for making a video about other submissions. As a tie breaker I will use the itchio "karma" system, and as a secondary tie breaker - I will roll a dice. To qualify: send me a DM on Discord (DevEarley 🎮) with links to your devlog, one social media post and one video. 1 "coolness" prize per team. Prizes TBD.

Check out the 32BitJam Demo Disk!

Consider submitting your game to the 32BitJam Demo Disc as well. The Demo Disc is a collection of games, demos and prototypes. Submit your game any time between October1st to January 1st to qualify.

... and check out our next game jam:
The 32Bit Prototype Jam!


All submissions
Browser playable (6)
Windows (9)
macOS (2)
Linux (1)

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A jam-sized 3D platforming metroidvania!
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Retro PSX styled intrusion game
Game made for Playstation 1, a twin shooter
Stella is on a mission to deliver Santa's presents and the only thing she understood was: Break and Enter
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a jam game 4 windows. It'sis the embryo of an open-world platformer/rpg hybrid game similar to Zelda 2 or Demon's Crest
Zone out while going fast and throwing explosives as a fish
Santa is trapped under ice after an accident! Hurry to free him!
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3d Metroidvania created for the 32bit winter jam 2024
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My first game as a Dev !
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