This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-07-02 14:00:00 to 2020-07-09 14:00:00. View results

Theme: "Try to stay alive as long as possible" Short Description:       
Join our Discord server, join a team and start programming together!

Discord Server: (join a team with a friend and start programming)
Important: Please Upload the game folder(not build game) to github (that I can look at your code).

  1. You can use every game engine you want.
  2. Upload a .exe file(and game folder to github .exe to
  3.  You can use google, but don't copy code!
  4.  You can use online assets
  5.  You can use premade Scripts
  6. After you uploaded the game you can make bugfixes (but don't change anything else) and upload it again.
  7. Work in pairs. No more than 2 people.
  8.  You can't upload an pre-made game.
  9.  If you want to you can make a game without a partner.


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pela honra
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