This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-11-29 17:00:00 to 2019-12-01 22:59:59. View results

Welcome to the second edition of the 42Jam! We are students of the renowned coding school in Paris, encouraged by the success of the original 42Jam we are aiming to instigate what will hopefully be a long series.

Check out our previous Jam!

The theme is You are the final boss

As with most game jams, the goal will be to create a single game in the span of 48 hours while adhering to a particular theme. Restriction breeds creativity after all.  Just like the former jam, the atmosphere for this second edition will be relatively laid-back; there will be no real ranking nor strict guidelines so just have fun. You can use generic resources from your previous work or online libraries, the objective being to use the limited time to build your game's personality.

Theme will be announced on Friday 08 at 18PM CET

Can I participate if I'm not a student at 42? Of course, please do so, while you won't be able to participate physically we would be glad to check-out submissions from around the world. Hopefully in future editions we will be able to welcome you on-site!

I don't have a team No worries, just check the discord or community tab and make a post detailing your skills; there might just be a team lacking your specialty. In fact 42 being primarily for developers most profiles should be highly welcomed!

42Jam's Discord Server

Resources (GGJ)
42's website


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Defend yourself in this Tower Defense like entry for the 42Jam #2!
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Submission for the 42 jam #2
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What happen if you are the boss ? (42 Jam dec. 2019)
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Little rogue like made for 42-game-jam #2
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Protect your dungeon against adventurers
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Kill people with bombs!!
This game was made in 16 hours for the 42Jam#2 (48h).
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