This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-03-23 22:59:59 to 2018-03-25 21:59:59. View results

Game topics: 

- Alone

- Time Travel


  • Submit your game within the date and time listed above.
  • You're allowed to work alone or with a team of maximum 4 people. You can team with strangers right here:
  • All assest must be created within the date and time listed above.
  • You can however use font files that are not created within the date and time listed above.
  • You'll hold all rights for any submission you make.
  • The game must be playable on atleast one of the following platforms: Windows, Linux or Mac
  • There are no prizes to be won.


  • Matches Theme
  • Enjoyment
  • Game Mechanics
  • Art
  • Music


  • DistasterTimer  by  NilC

Get involved


All submissions
Windows (4)
macOS (1)

No submissions match your filter

Travel throught time to get back to civilisation
You are a time-traveling robot in an endless runner type game
Get out of the disaster using Time Traveler 4000 and Time Freezers
Defend your family against invaders in this action-packed medieval fighting game.