welcome to the 4th annual cheesy game jam! submissions will be open for 10 day from may 2nd to may 12th. there will be a 1 week voting period the week after the jam, where they will be rated for how well they fit the theme as well as, cheesiness, fun, art and sound.
1. game must be made for this jam. any game that is submitted to other jams as well as this one will be disqualified.
2. all code and game development must be done during the time of this jam.
3. you may use any art or music assets you own the legal right to use.
4. you can use any game engine, or tools you want to create your game. as long as it's a real game and not an edit or mod of an existing game.
5. teams should be of 1 - 4 people (I am not gonna check team sizes, but let's try to keep it fair for the people who don't have a whole team of people to make a game)
6. have fun! (yes that is a rule!)
the theme will be revealed at the start of the jam
Q. Is there a theme?
Yes, the theme will be anounced at the start of the jam
Q. Do I have to follow the theme?
Nope, but it is one of the 4 categories your game will be rated on, so if your game doesn't fit the theme it will receive a lower score.
Q. I made my game about cheese cause I didn't see the theme, is that ok?
That's fine, a lot of people have made that mistake so I've decided to give half credit (3 of 5 stars) for games about cheese. (others may rate differently)
Q. what if I've never made a game before? game jams are great for beginners! if you need help check out our discord community (linked above) where I'm sure you'll find someone who is willing to help you with your first game! (don't expect them to make your game for you, but they can at least point you in the right direction with hints, tips, and links to good tutorials)