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A jam submission

Mind's ResonanceView game page

Project made by 5 videogames students at CITM-UPC ; )
Submitted by DeXuxa, arinWald (@arinWald), UriMartin (@glianeur), Xavi Prats, David Ruiz — 2 hours, 45 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
El tema principal de la jam està present#63.9233.923

Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

The game is called Mind's Resonance, and it explores how individuals can cope with rumination, which is depicted as internal echoes in our minds when we process and perceive negative events in our environment.

In this game, we aim to tell a story set in a school where a character is a victim of bullying. Each time a group of students bullies him, their words resonate in his subconscious, and he must battle his internal demons. In each battle, he confronts a demon that represents a type of suffering that people can experience due to rumination caused by bullying. For example, he fights against a chained heart that represents sadness and emotional oppression, another monster that is a puppet representing the feeling of being manipulated and controlled by others. Lastly, he also battles a deformed creature filled with twisted mouths symbolizing constant disdain and criticism.

Lastly, throughout the game, we depict personal growth through the use of color in the game's art. At the beginning, when the character experiences bullying, the art is black and white. As he wins battles, the entire world gradually becomes colored, symbolizing personal triumph through color.

Until we reach the final scene, where everything is vibrant and colorful, representing the ultimate overcoming of challenges.

Material de tercers
4 tipus de fonts lliures.
Un recull d'efectes sonors gratuïts i sense drets d'autor.


El poder de la música

Mons paral·lels



Distorsió de la realitat

Forces invisibles

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Que arte!