Play game of the year
GAME OF THE YEAR: 420BLAZEIT vs xxXilluminatiXxx [wow/10 #rekt edition] - Montage Parody The Game's page7dfps profile link, find posts about this entry!
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10/10 would rek again
I rate it 1/1 -illuminati confirmed-
This is actually good.
This was genius, just fantasti
I liked that Digimon guy at the start.
pls play many dlc again yes
This is actually one of the most fun games I have played. Gr8 game m8, 8/8 IGN, PC gamer, ubisoft got rekt
gud job m8 i meeself am having muntage parody elements in my retail game
8/8 m8 gr8 game it was well worth the w8 will play again at a l8r d8.
10/10 - IGN
For once IGN was right and wasn't getting paid to write reviews on video games because the whole industry is corrupt, haha.. AYY LMAO #GamerGate , Anyways.. Nice work Andy I think the GOTY is well earned on this dank meme.
10/10 would mlg again
Man, I wasn't expecting much from this game but, this game is really well made.
Best game I played yet on 7DFPS 2014
10/10 would noscope shrek in the face again
Best plotline ever
Seriously, one of the best games I played, it is amazing!
My ears and eyes went poof.
wow/10 would develop again.
10/10, would make ears bleed again
g8 m8 i r8 8/8
Better than AC: Unity 8/8 ****
"Nice meme" - IGN
holy shit, this made my bloody year. best game.
best game
hot or not 10/10
best game
no seriously, this is actually incredibly well made. amazing