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This game is great! I would love to see a full-scale version with refine character models and textures! The gameplay is unique and blasting others is such a blast. :D
Really nice graphics, but why was the green guy out for my blood! I included it in part 14 of my 7DFPS 2014 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
Hooray for possession mechanics! I felt like I couldn't get Pinky to follow me by toggling R. he did his walk cycle but just stayed in place. I would have liked to experiment with leading him to safe spaces, but fortunately I was able to kill all the dudes before they got to him. You may want to consider some bigger spatial landmarks for the level, as once I cleared out all the dudes, I had trouble telling where I'd been and where I was trying to go. It was interesting to me that you let Pinky pick up and shoot guns - I didn't really feel what the advantage was in possessing other dudes when Pinky was perfectly capable of dispatching them with his gun, other than ability to go HAM since I didn't care about dying as an avatar. Giving me more reasons to want to possess different things is worth exploring if you continue to develop this game. Nice work!
I enjoyed this one, especially the open level. Would like to see less popup text, maybe move it to visual queues? Also what the heck is my left arm doing? :P