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A jam submission

Townsfolk Are TastyView game page

And served they did - as food - but you're still hungry...
Submitted by antumbrastation — 4 days, 6 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 2 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • It's an interesting idea; you're a vampire on the prowl. Hunt townsfolk and avoid everybody else.

    Unfortunately the difficulty seems to vary wildly depending on whether you run into a room full of townspeople or a room full of guards. There doesn't seem to be any tactic for dealing with enemies other than running away; they all kill on contact. Conversely, catching food is not particularly difficult (apart from finding townsfolk); people come up to you or wander around. You start with only 30 turns until you starve, and eating someone adds only a handful of turns to your starvation meter. As a result you don't have much time to do anything.

    The game looked reasonably good and ran fine for me. I did not encounter any technical problems.

  • Townsfolk Are Tasty is exactly what is says: you're a "night terror" who goes around eating townsfolk. Importantly, it's a 1HP game. There are 4 types of enemies and the 2 that are aggressive can kill in one hit. One of those types, the Priest, is in fact immune to your attack. You'll die a lot. There's a chess vibe here. It's very easy to get cornered by two approaching enemies. It's also incredibly easy to get attacked by walking around a blind corner. I did that a bunch. The hunger clock is serious stuff too.

     It's a tiny game, but well made.  Now here are all my minor gripes. The restart key should probably be closer to the numpad because of how often death comes. I also ran into a bug where the game crashes if you try transitioning screens on the same turn you would die. The one thing that really feels missing is some progression. You just keep going around killing villagers forever. At the very least, a score or count of how many villagers you ate would be nice. The balance could be a little better and of course more enemies types would be cool too.

    Townsfolk Are Tasty is humorous, tense, and fun. Recommended!

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Challenging and well made game! I included it in my 7DRL Challenge compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

Getting a java exception


Thats unfortunate, let me ask a few debugging questions. What operating system are you using to play? What version of Java do you have installed? And finally, what is the context of the error - did you encounter this error when running the jar from the command line or from double clicking the jar to run it?