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A jam submission

Caves of Trash and TreasureView game page

Submitted by jhowl — 2 days, 23 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 3 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

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  • Get treasure and escape up the depth 1 stairs to score. I beat it.

    Completeness 4
    No bugs found.

    Aesthetics 3
    Controls are OK. Numpad or vi-keys to move.
    Holding down buttons can cause a large amount of actions to queue up. This caused problems for me since the game has slowly regenerating health and no long rest button.
    ASCII is OK.

    Fun 3
    Trying to escape with the crystals is pretty fun. Unfortunately the game before that part is an uninteresting slog.

    Innovation 2
    Very limited inventory (4 spots).

    Scope 3
    Several item and enemy types.

    Roguelikeness 4
    Turn/grid based
    Random maps
    RPG stats/items

  • Risk vs reward. It's probably the oldest theme in games in general, not only in computer games or roguelikes. This implementation definitely could be better. There is no high scores table! In a game that is specifically dedicated to getting high score! This game can be "won" with single keypress. Controls could be better too. Bumping into the wall takes turn. This makes escape phase very cumbersome. Technically this is a true roguelike, but on a weaker side of the definition. In terms of available action your character is very limited. Which makes the game somewhat boring and predictable.

  • An interesting exploration of one extreme of managing limiting inventory space which tasks you with choosing between combat effectiveness and score.  However it never really provides much real incentive to care about score and the huge amount of junk to sort through can make it feel like the roguelike equivalent of a car boot sale.

    Seems reasonably feature-complete, though some bugs remain; keyboard input buffering means that holding down a key can result in that action repeating for many turns afterwards with not chance to interrupt.

    Clean ASCII graphics and straightforward control scheme with a nice clear tutorial.  Multiple input options and sensible screen layout.

    The extremely limited inventory forces some interesting decision making but does largely devolve into repetitive sorting through dungeon litter for most of the time and results in you having very few options in combat.  The most intriguing aspect of the game is the other treasure seekers who are strong enough that they are best avoided.

    Nothing that I haven't seen before, though it is an interesting exploration of limited inventory.

    A decent scope for a 7DRL with a variety of different items and enemies, however there is not a great deal of functional variety in any of those things.


Successful or Incomplete?


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Nice game! I included it in my 7DRL Challenge compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)