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A jam submission

Survival in the OrclandsView game page

Farm, gather and steal to make a living in a roguelike world!
Submitted by Iziminza — 1 day, 23 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 3 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • Playing this, I felt that there wasn't enough context clues to get started on surviving, so I spent more time dying than figuring out how to survive. It's not a bad game once you get stuck in and figuring out what to do, I just feel it could do with a clear tutorial to get started and not feel instantly lost.

  • Game looks nice and the changing colors for different seasons is a nice touch, though the white character on white background in the winter is hard to read. However, there isn't much to do. I wandered around the world picking and eating berries for the first year, and didn't find the flint until the second year, so I didn't even get to interact with the fire mechanic for a long time. The orcs are really sporadic and don't pose much of a challenge even when you meet them.

    Also, not sure if the unlimited inventory is supposed to be a feature or a bug.

  • Well done! The game is stable and feels almost complete but its missing the mid-game part of processing raw materials the player has harvested. It could also benefit from a built-in hint system and more verbose help. The aesthetics are good and the UI sufficient and typical for the genre but with the importance of hunger and the need to eat every day,

    I think the game would benefit from a hunger meter (i.e. while I got a message saying I was hungry I didn't realise how hungry I was until I suddenly died. On the reverse, you can eat and eat and you're never full) even those it's not shown in a dungeon crawling roguelike.

    The game was fun and worth my time playing and trying to figure out how to survive to the end of the second year.

    It is definitely innovative, although there are one or two survival roguelikes (i.e. UnReal World) there aren't enough to give variety to this specific sub-genre. I'm glad it was made.

    I think the scope, at the time of writing, is what you'd expect from a 7DRL challenge but a lot more still needs to be done to make it a complete game.

    It definitely a roguelike squarely placed in the survival sub-genre and I hope the developer continues to work on the game.

Successful or Incomplete?


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Jam JudgeSubmitted

The Windows version of this won't run for me -- reports a bunch of missing DLLs (libc, stdc, something else)...

Developer (1 edit)

I uploaded a new *.zip file with three dependent libraries added. Also, there now is a win32 version, which works on my 2011 netbook with Windows XP. Does any of these work for you?

Jam JudgeSubmitted

Yep, that did the trick!