This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-09-13 21:00:00 to 2024-09-16 12:00:00. View results


The 8-Bit Nightmares Game Jam challenges developers to create terrifying experiences within the limitations of classic 8-bit gaming. Participants will have a set amount of time to design, develop, and submit a horror game that captures the essence of retro gaming while delivering chills and thrills.


  • Jam Start: September 13th, 2024
  • Jam End: September 16th, 2024
  • Voting Ends:  September 17th, 2024




  1. Game Style: All entries must adhere to a strict 8-bit aesthetic, including graphics, sound, and gameplay mechanics.
  2. Time Limit: Participants must create their games within the specified jam period.
  3. Team Size: Teams are allowed, but all team members must be credited.
  4. Asset Usage: Pre-made assets are permitted, but their use should be minimal. Original content is highly encouraged.
  5. Platform: Games can be developed for any platform, but they must be playable on PC.
  6. Submission: Completed games must be submitted by the specified deadline.


Games will be judged based on the following criteria:

  • Horror Atmosphere: How effectively does the game create a sense of fear and tension?
  • 8-Bit Fidelity: How well does the game adhere to the 8-bit aesthetic?
  • Gameplay: Is the gameplay engaging and challenging?
  • Originality: Does the game offer a unique horror concept?


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The grim reaper has taken the life your loved one. Enter the realm of death to save her!
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A Game about a house by the woods.
Interactive Fiction
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