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Samsara's End is a top-down 2D roguelike adventure where the player navigates a completely procedurally generated environment, balancing their karma through item recollection, combat, and exploration to break free from the cycle of rebirth. Through several reencarnations, players will evolve into higher beings, both spiritually (by learning from their own mistakes to try again) and physically, turning into different living creatures from a graceful flower to a speedy snail.
Thsi game was developed for the 8a CITM GameJam by PanGames comprised of:
Coding Team:
Marco Baldan
Kai Caire
Art Team:
Emma Casassas
Paula Laguna
Design Team:
Núria Lamonja
Materials de tercers
In the code department we have used: The Colorblind Filters Package by Ape Dynasty.
The DoTween pluggin for Unity by DemiGiant :
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Al principi no tenia ni idea de què havia de fer però un cop he sabut com spamejar l'atac amb el cargol s'ha convertit automàticament en un GOTY. Ngl m'ho he passat molt bé, el combat ha estat tan divertit que un cop he acabat amb el boss final volia jugar més. Molt bona feina!!
PD: increïble la pantalla de mort
Moltes gràcies! durant el desenvolupament la broma era que l'atac del cargol salvaria el joc.
La mecanica del karma parece muy interesante pero no la pude lograr ver
El caracol spamer esta bastante gracioso, eso si
El Turbocaracol es la ostia y el juego está bastante divertido!