This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-06-24 19:00:00 to 2022-06-27 06:59:59. View 31 entries


For those unfamiliar, A2B2 is the online creative community started by Andy Morin (of Death Grips). After a longtime moderator in our community unfortunately was diagnosed with cancer, the community has decided to host a game jam to raise money for a charity benefiting those affected by Cancer.

All games submitted will have the chance to be demoed on a livestream hosted by Vinny from Vinesauce, taking place on the Vinesauce Twitch stream.

Please be sure to read all of the rules below before participating, and have fun!


The official theme for A2B2 Game Jam 2022 is:


Please refer to the lore sheet here for further information.

Who can enter?

 Anyone, of any age, from anywhere can enter. You can work alone or in teams. 

Please be sure to register your team using the game jam page in order to receive important email updates regarding the theme and more as it comes out.

When does the jam begin? 

The jam starts on June 24th, at 12PM Los Angeles time. It will end on June 26th, at Midnight Los Angeles time. 

When is the Vinesauce Demo Stream?

The demo stream will take place on July 5 on the Vinesauce Twitch stream. Stay tuned for more updates as the game jam is completed.

*Note: Not all games submitted will be featured on stream

What is the theme?

Please refer to the theme reveal above.

The theme will be revealed as the game jam begins. Registered participants will be provided with a lore sheet in their email to help with brainstorming. Theme can be followed as loosely as participants see fit. 

Which engine/tools should I use? 

The game can be created using any engine you prefer. Custom scripts and packages are allowed. 

What is not allowed?

Please, no NSFW, extremely violent or gore games. Multiplayer games are discouraged, as it makes it difficult for judges to play.

DO NOT INCLUDE DMCA PROTECTED MUSIC IN YOUR GAMES. This will automatically disqualify you from being featured on the  demo stream.

Which platforms should I build my game for? 

Your game should at least run on a Windows computer, as this is the system being used to demo your game on stream. However, feel free to also build it for MacOS.

 Who is judging? How are they judging?

Games will be judged by Vinesauce, Andy Morin (Death Grips), and other A2B2 moderators. 

Games will be judged against the following criteria: creativity, presentation, and fun. 

Is there a Discord I can join? 

Yes! You can join the official A2B2 Discord server, where there is a dedicated channel for participants to ask questions and interact. 

There will be a kickoff party on June 24th on the A2B2 discord where participants are encouraged to share their screens for users to check out what is being worked on.

How do I donate to the charity?

Donations are encouraged to be made during the demo stream happening on July 5.

We will be raising funds for Beat Cancer Today through Tiltify.

What about prizes? 

The first place winner will have their game listed for free on the official A2B2 merch site

First, second, and third place winners will also win an A2B2 t-shirt. 


 - Anything you make during the A2B2 Game Jam is your property. A2B2 claims no rights or ownership of your game.

 - Any game submitted to the A2B2 Game Jam may show up in a Vinesauce twitch stream, or youtube video, or A2B2 social media post or Youtube video.


All submissions
Browser playable (7)
Windows (19)
macOS (3)
Linux (2)

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Corrupt or die
A tower of mold and decay await.
Play in browser
Arcade space shooter for A2B2 48-hr Game Jam
you schut many times
Glitchy Platformer made with GB Studio
Play in browser
A simple survival game with a twist. Get to the end!
Play in browser
Turn-based game featuring AI-generated art
A short operating system exploration game
A top down shooter made for A2B2 Game Jam for Charity!
Play the hottest shoot-em-up game in the corporate-controlled Extranet!
Fix a set of bugs after a unfortunate accident (Made for A2B2 Game Jam)
Made for a2b2 game jam 2022
Play in browser
A platformer where you can corrupt the ennemies to make it easier
Short puzzle platformer created for the A2B2 Game Jam.
Glitchy platformer for A2B2 Game Jam 2022
Play in browser
Puzzle based jam game
Deck Builder (ish) Chess Game
Card Game
Investigate a corrupted planet as a robot. Made for the A2B2 Game Jam.
Play in browser
Infect the town. KILL THEM ALL.
Gun and Stick based Sidescroller
Play in browser
Top-down shooter on an alien planet.
At the beginning of the end, a Knight embarks on his last lonely journey....
A short, explorative text-based adventure centered around a beloved ruler.
dance to grow mushrooms for people
put innocent people in prison to maximise revenue from prison labour