This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-07-11 16:01:00 to 2021-07-22 16:00:00. View results
Max2D is a new mobile game engine. As Minimalism (a previous Max2D gamejam) is finished and only 3 game were submitted; I want to make another gamejam that focuses on abstract things. Abstract gameplay, abstract art, abstract controls and/or abstract story. Fellow Max2D Developers we're bummed out on the last jam since they didn't finished their game on time so I am giving them a 12 day deadline in hopes that they can finish it on time now.
Remember these rules!
1: game must have at least a little bit of originality
2: stick to the theme! Abstract things should be implemented on the game!
3: as much as I am sad about other game engine developers. This gamejam is only for Max2D GameDevs and should only use the Max2D Game engine when participating this jam.
That is all and I hope you all fellow Max2D GameDevs finish your games on time!