This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-05-28 10:40:40 to 2022-06-13 16:00:00. View results

This is my the SECOND Game Jam.There are no prizes or souvenirs in this competition, but you can play a game for a fee, but I may not be able to play it. I am too poor lolε-(´∀`; )

This adventure is an absurd comedy. You have to make up a strange story - a "story that can't happen" in reality, which depends on your imagination.The story should have enough sense of humor, and it is best to reflect some satirical meanings, but it is not forced.But the key is to make your work new to others.What we need is a more abstract style of painting - to brighten people's eyes - maybe turning off the computer directly, so that people can't believe their eyes——

By the way, my English is not good, and machinetranslation is really inaccurate ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )In short, let your imagination float in heaven - I mean on the clouds. That's great.

Requirements: abstract painting style; Strange stories. Windows and MAC are OK. APK is better∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Kind of jam

✔️  Ranked — Entries are voted on and ranked

  • Non-ranked — Entries are not voted on

Who can vote on entries?

  • Submitters only — Submission uploader can vote on other entries
  • Submitters & contributors — Both submitter and contributors to submission can vote
  • Judges — Only people added as judges can vote

✔️  Public — Anyone can vote

Start date — When games can be submitted. In your local time

20225-28 18:40:40

End date — Deadline for submitting games, when voting starts. In your local time

2022-6-14 00:00:00

Voting end date — When voting stops and results are available. In your local time

2022-6-30 00:00:00

Now,What are you still looking at here? Hurry to do it for me!!!!!!!!!!