Frightwood is meant as a short prequel and unlike many games that fit that bill it does it’s job well. While it is mainly meant as a setup there is a solid world here that could easily be it’s own contained game without any others. It has good characters; a great art style; good music; and a good story. If I could use one word to describe it that would be “comfy”. There are a decent number of choices throughout the game. If I could make any improvements it would be to have a bit more backstory to the team as well as Vel.
I played the game on Linux. It never crashed and I didn’t notice any spelling errors. You can manually save whenever you want and there are eighteen save slots.
Game Engine: Ren’Py
Graphics API: OpenGL
Game Version Played: 1.0
GPU Usage: 0-5 %
VRAM Usage: 284-513 MB
CPU Usage: 5-15 %
RAM Usage: 1.4-1.5 GB
Overall I found Frightwood to be very enjoyable. It made me look forward to other games from this developer and hopefully they can have the chance to flesh out their ideas in those. I finished my first play through in twenty two minutes.
My Score: 8/10
My System:
AMD FX-6100 | 16GB DDR3-1600 | Gigabyte R9 270 2GB | Mesa 22.1.4 | Manjaro 21.3.6 | Mate 1.26.0 | Kernel 5.18.14-1-MANJARO
Bonne petite addition au jeu principal, ça fait plaisir de revoir tous les personnages
Bonne petite addition au jeu principal, ça fait plaisir de revoir tous les personnages