I love this game so much, I had chills when I first played through it and I couldn't make myself stop. It's amazing and I feel so seen through Iggy. Orlam my beloved <3333
i got my feelings out about this game on twitter, but ratings are important here.
anyone, if you're on the fence about trying this game, please take this as your sign to play it. i hadn't played it before the full release, just a side game, and this pulled me in super super hard. after finishing arc 4, i had to go and play the rest of the side games, then come back and do arc 5.
it's a heavy game, so take breaks if you need to. there's a lot to process. but every character is so complex and deep and well written that even if you think that you don't like them, you will at the very least come to understand them.
also, genzou 4 eva.
thank you for listening to my speech.
Edit after full-release: God, this has been such a wonderful game from start to finish. I remember how hooked I got the first time I played the first 3 arcs. The characters feel all so human and distintic, with their own wishes and motivations, with their own flaws and things that pain them.
I loved the final message about how the story isn't a fairytale, so even when they all go back to when they were kids, they still make some of the same mistakes they did before but they react to them better and learn from them!!
Bucks story was really heartbreaking. People might not realize sometimes, but when you say something to a person enough times... they start to believe it themselves. It's so sad that she couldn't be honest with herself and admit she didn't like being called a monster and didn't want the life she had until it was too late. But I'm so glad that she got a second chance with the loop and Hunar and she achieved their dreams before marrying!! (Even if I'll miss Saydie, she's a sweetheart!! but I want to think that she'll appear again since they were considering having a child in the future)
The others' endings were really charming too. I love the fact that Gidget becomes more involved with the LGBTQ+ community and how she even meets Cecil!! Their relationship is super wholesome, they feel like siblings!!
I'm still missing Gidget's ending but of the other two I played I think my favorite is definitely Genzou's. As much as I love Orlam, I think (personally) Iggy's relationship with Gen makes a bit more sense because of all the hints and teasing that were going around for the whole game (plus it just hurts me too much to see Genzou sad dksjgbksjb).
The scenes between Iggy and Genzou were super sweet in Arc 5 and the future they build together warms my heart. I especially loved the part where Iggy mentions that Genzou respects his boundaries even when they're not always the same, 'cause sometimes he may feel like he could do more and sometimes less. It honestly made me so happy to read as an ace person myself!!
Overall, gosh, this game is so freaking fantastic. It will forever be one of my favorite games and I'm so happy to have played it and met the characters and read their story.
Thank you so much for this game, Carrot; and congratulations on the completion of it!! I'm looking forward to more of your stories!!
Now the game is complete and I remembered to review it, here's a review!
I will preface this with saying that if this was a paid game on steam, I would most likely pick it up, I have some strange obsession with horror RPGs and I basically stalk games like this. I found it in a bundle instead, still stood out enough for be to check with just an icon and the name
So... I love this! The characters, the pace, the story, I love it all, I don't know if I'm going to get too in depth, I think I felt the right feelings when... not so great things happened and when great things happened too. I was hooked from pretty early and I loved/was disturbed by every moment!
One thing I will note, I myself am ace and I found that I could relate to Iggy's thoughts and feelings on many more things than I was ever expecting and fully pulled me in as a protagonist which is something that is rather rare for me.
So, to conclude, this was amazing, thank you so much for it, and if you have any further game plans, I'll 100% check it out!
Literally obsessed. This game could not have been better.
Literally so amazing, kept me intrigued and wanting more which is in my opinion, a problem i have with long games such as these. 10/10
It's an amazing game but if you can't handle very serious topics, gore or other stuff probably avoid it, If you can the story is really in depth and brought out emotions I havent felt in a long time. Also the ending came out the day after I needed something to put my whole life into perspective what what issues I need to face and the internal struggles inside me I shut off to survive. This game made me cry for like 7 hours straight I fell asleep and woke up my perspective on life and how I approach it completely changing whic is hard for me since normally I don't allow myself to feel