game's so good I'd make a new account a year to rate it 5 stars
I've never left a review on a game before, so please hang with me while I ramble about how much this random game means to me (hopefully coherently) (apologies if the formality of this is wildly incorrect, I don't write game reviews).
I discovered "Our Wonderland" in an indirect way. I don't normally play visual novels. There's an inherent connection in my mind between VNs and sexual stuff that has always kinda drawn me away from them as an anxious ace person. The way I discovered the game was through the Palestinian Relief Bundle, which had "Our Cinderella" on it. "Our Cinderella" was a very adorable game and I related with Iggy on such a fundamental level. I could tell that it was a side project though, and it didn't have a profound impact on me; therefore, I moved on with my life. I played other games in the Palestinian Relief Bundle. But Iggy remained in the back of my head. As you can tell by my presence here, I ended up revisiting Iggy by trying out "Our Wonderland."
I've never played a game with a protagonist that I could relate to on this level. It's comforting to know that I'm not alone in feeling the way I do about things. I have never really played a game with an explicitly ace protagonist like this one, and it was extremely refreshing. I went through all of grade school, high school, and college feeling alone. But this game helped a lot with my self-acceptance. And I relate with Iggy's need to make everyone around him happy, even if it's incredibly damaging to him. I haven't reflected on those issues within myself until playing through this game.
In terms of the game itself, I loved so much about it. The storyline was incredibly captivating and visceral. There were so many shocking moments that had a profound impact on me. The artwork was beautiful and fit the vibes of the game perfectly. The characters had so much care and love put into them and their backstories. There were moments when many of the characters were antagonists, but you always managed to make me feel bad for them. Even if they were doing the most heinous actions imaginable, I understood their pain. I have only finished Genzou's ending so far, but I'm going to play through to obtain every other one over the next few days.
I'm so excited to see what you come out with next because this was incredible. Thank you for helping me feel more accepted.
After playing the game to the end (only going with one ending for now. i'll go back for the others another time in the future) I wanted to give a review, however brief.
Things I loved:
Things I disliked:
Things I would change if I could:
polyamory. cmooonnnn. genzou orlam and iggy I feel have great chemistry as a throuple, and with post-arc5 gidget, iggy could be dating them but the others don't have to date them. like a constellation of sorts.
I was hitting up both genzou and gidget, alternating between them, before orlam came around because I was hoping that if I balanced it I'd get a secret polyamory route or something. I guess not :{
i'm still not sure that i like gidget enough given the first 4 arcs. and i get that the focus of the game was more about getting everybody together, fixing what went wrong and getting The Heck Out Of There, but part of me wishes there was at least some kind of optional dialogue tree for talking things out with everybody, including them. it would feel more like a natural redemption and less like "oh hey you said the magic words and i'm all better now! whoopsy!" .. i don't think glossing over sexual trauma that much is a good thing.
Overall? I loved the game. I'll be checking in every so often to see if you make anything else, whether it's the wonderlandverse or something new. and as for the side games... well I got plenty of time in the world to check em out.
ps: where did you learn to draw gore? you're great at it, for being stylistic.