This is the best game I have ever played in my entire life. I can't get it out of my head, everything about it is perfect
READ THE CONTENT WARNINGS. They are there for a reason, and if you have trouble with any of the topics at all, please take care of yourself.
Okay, it might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it is a beautifully done game. There is an eeriness to each playthrough, especially in the differences between them all. The storytelling is so well done that sometimes it doesn't even feel like I'm playing it, but merely viewing through Iggy's eyes.
Though the cutesy art style might make it seem like it's not as dark as it is, definitely do not let that fool you. The combination of the two is fantastic, and helps the impact of the story.
Stories of groups of friends that grew up appeal to me maybe due to my own age--these sorts of starting points (like Stephen King's "It") draw me in because I want to see how things changed, the differences between then and now, and Our Wonderland doesn't disappoint. Please give it a read. Horror, friendship, shattered dreams, romance and queer rep. I loved it, and I hope to see more from Carrot.
gsdrilvsryugeilnpvwrry QU[ LOVE
This game surprised me in ever manner. I have so much to say, yet I find myself somewhat speechless.
Everything. This game has everything. A unique and pleasant artstyle, extremely well-written (and often more relatable than expected) characters, a nice flowing well-written narration, and not a single scene feels boring. Even throughout the timeloop of the first four arcs, the player is kept awaiting, observing each detail until they notice the changes that will change the character's fates from the previous timelines. The game is quite long, indicative of just how much WORK has been put into it.
I don't remember playing any visual novel before this one, or if so, never this actively. But "Our Wonderland" has made me realize that I actually really love this format.
I absolutely love every aspect of the character writing, as well as the writing of the relationship between them, and what changes over time. I had so much to say, and yet I am so shocked by how good this game is, that I stumble upon my own words.
I truly love the positive LGBT representation in this game, and having a sex-repulsed asexual main character is such a nice change from the scraps of good LGBT representation that mainstream media has used me to.
I was also quite surprised to find that most characters in this game had traits that were relatable to me, or at least hit too close to home. Personalitywise, identitywise, or even regarding a role among a friendgroup and how these things scar an individual. The evolution of the characters based on their personality and backstory is so well-defined and written that I am currently obsessing over this universe. I have binge played OW and its side games recently, and am honestly shocked at how little content I can find about it and the characters. I had to find this game out of boredom, looking around on this website (and made an account just now, because this game ABSOLUTELY does deserve a review). The soundtrack is straight fire and I cannot stop listening to it.
The characters are quite lovable as well, and I always find myself playing the Genzou route first, in OW just like the side games. I can't help but find him the best match for Iggy! He's such a wholesome character as an adult, and I can't help but wonder how he seems to be the only somewhat "sane" character down in wonderland? Although I always find the other routes and endings interesting to explore as well.
The only issue I have is with the character of Gidget. Despite their radical behavior change after their "coming out" scene and their very obvious guilt shown if the Gidget ending is chosen, I just cannot erase what they have done to Iggy from my mind. The finale for arc 4 is by far the most messed up and hard to get over... I would love to guiltlessly appreciate Gidget, especially now that they feel like a whole new character when they're not repressed... But some things are downright unforgettable.
Another point is how as a French person, I was nicely surprised by the accurate use of french words and expressions (especially by Orlam, he does seem like he enjoys using french a lot). That is NOT something you see a lot in english-speaking media. And believe me when I say it is refreshing to see.
This game did me so much good, and I don't understand how so few people have actually found this gem of a video game. It made me feel seen, I loved the aesthetics and the character design added with the character writing tops it off perfectly.
Congratulations Carrot, you have created one of the best pieces of artwork I have ever interacted with in my life.