This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-08-21 00:20:20 to 2020-09-21 00:20:20.
DragonCon 2020 was cancelled due to pandemic, yet tabletop RPG creators can envision fantastic worlds in which DragonCon's conventioneers still convene. Yes, a tabletop RGP creator like you. You can create a scenario in which the largest annual multi-media and pop culture convention in the world happens, this year.
The local goons at Atlanta Tabletop Role Playing Games invite you to submit a tabletop RPG adventure module set in just such a world wherein DragonCon 2020 sets Atlanta or a Fantasy-Analog-Atlanta afire.
The Adventure At DragonCon 2020 Game Jam runs for about a month, and asks you to create a tabletop role-playing game adventure at least tangentially related to the convention we're all missing this year. The adventure can be system agnostic (i.e. not designed for any specific role playing game's rules) or designed for a particular game (e.g. Dungeon Crawl Classics.) The format can be professional or scrappy; a single page or an epic mega-dungeon; freeform or crunchy.
Your submission should be an adventure somehow related to DragonCon, whether it borrows from traditions, events, tracks, parades, or other things you get out of this big scaly beast of conventions. For game runners and players familiar with DragonCon, your adventure should evoke happy memories and recall what's best of this convention. Theme is paramount.
Is the RPG system important? Ideally, your submission is system agnostic enough to be readily ported into a few systems. If you want to base your scenario specifically in the mechanics of Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Shadowrun, FATE, Fiasco, Monster of The Week, Electric Bastionland, Tales From The Loop, Dungeon World, Blades In The Dark, Traveller, Paranoia, FATE, Golden Sky Stories, Warhammer Fantasy Role Play, Troika!, The Black Hack, Spire, Royal Blood, Sukeban Dracula, InSpectres, Unknown Armies, Dread, Deadlands, Kids On Bikes, Misspent Youth, Star Wars, Lasers & Feelings, Eclipse Phase, Mothership, Ultraviolet Grasslands, Ghost Court, Cyberpunk... Well, you're welcome to do so. There are a lot of games out there. We're familiar with many of them, but we're more interested in the flavor of your creativity than the nuts'n'bolts of the system you're using.
Additionally, please keep the following in mind:
This game jam seeks roleplaying adventure modules that are largely accessible to most people. Try to create an adventure that would be welcoming to people that might not have braved the possible worlds of roleplaying games before. If theme is paramount, then let inclusivity be a good guide.
Submissions will be ranked, but not for any grand prizes. In fact, all submissions will win some ridiculously narrow award category (e.g. Best Marriott Carpet Cultists.)