This solo ttrpg is so peaceful and calming, and I just adore the tarot-themed prompts. I use the Build-A-Witch expansion literally every time I want to make any kind of magical character, and the sample witches included? It's free real estate! It's free NPCs!
I'd love to see this game formatted as a printable or a zine someday, maybe with some B+W illustrations. You already have a character creation system cooked up, and lots of suggestions for setting, the witch's house, etc. Just by formatting those suggestions into tables you can roll could make the project more accessible, attractive etc. to people who haven't played Village Witch. Because the copy is all text and formatted in paragraphs, it can be a bit challenging to get through. Even formatting the questions in the "setup" section as bullet points instead of a single paragraph would make this easier to read, in my opinion.
That said, love the base game! Thanks for putting this into the universe :)
Cool game controls... I've never seen that before. It makes me want to keep on playing, even if I make a misstep. Good work!