i really love the concept of this game and i really love reading the memories that are written. i love the cute details like the cat and the lamp. i wrote a memory called "Summer Storm Watchin" (couldn't fit the G). this game is really great and helps with mindfulness if you are feeling stressed, anxious, depressed, etc. which i am all of those rn and this game really helped me to slow down and focus on good, peaceful, serene memories, and also enjoy others writing and partake in my own short creative writing session haha. 10/10 for such a simple game its outstanding truly.
Great game! The day/night mechanic is a nice unique feature. I somehow missed it at first because I only saw the first page of the guide for some reason, so I was a bit stuck until I randomly loaded the game in the daytime and then figured it out. After that it was all plain sailing. Nice unique puzzles, funny dialogue, and great voice acting. I liked the Blur Parklife reference!
Just discover this game and I feel like I have found a Treasure (of Monkey Island). Amazing Graphic Adventure with lots of reference to Monkey Island and Indy. Loved all the characters!