The shooting plays and feels great! I expecially enjoyed the bullet time mechanic, some bullets are to fast to dodge at a normal speed (but maybe I just suck). Overall, this is a solid base and I'd like to see more weapons and enemy types in the future! Keep it up!
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Baby Redemption-dd's pageComments
level 2 is harder than level 5
visuals gave me a headache, very obnoxious
fat enemies are boring to fight against and have too much hp
kept using my ammo count as the center point of my bullet instead of the crosshair
exploding barrels look like health pick ups
Project HoundGreat gameplay and art, loved the slow-mo mechanics and visuals/audio. With some enemies the use of slow-mo is a must. Then it becomes an interesting game of dodging slow moving bullets and bombs and trying to get as many in as possible before energy runs out.
Things I noticed:
- Maybe add a reload button? (Sorry if there's already one, I couldn't find it). Sometimes I had to force reloads by shooting at walls before entering a room.
- Maybe do slower increase in difficulty from level 3 to 4 (I think)? When maskies show up, it becomes way, way harder suddenly, even with slow-mo.
- Couple of minor, non-breaking bugs, like your gun firing by itself if you shoot on death screen and some bodies duplicating when dead. Also some small typos in the wall tips.
Good job and keep up the good work! Definitely following as well.
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