"Solid Alpha", indeed—at the time of writing, the current release of Good Night, Knight is a polished, cohesive experience, with basic but thorougly rewarding stealth, and the combat that is simple with a remarkable depth, with blocking, parrying, grabs, and dodges.
Item and resource management revolves around resting (or dying, with a penalty) and recharging items and HP overnight. EXP seems to just make your passive items lighter until you can just carry All the Items. I thought this to be a weak system at first, but as long as there are items to equip, this serves as a permanent character progression, i.e. once an item levels up to 0 weight you've effectively "levelled up" yourself with a permanent stat boost or ability. From this perspective, it's actually quite clever.
There is more to the game—I haven't mentioned the nuances of grabbing enemies, or how materials work—but it's been loads of fun so far. The game claims only to be in alpha, but you could fool me into thinking it was a finished product. If you're into 2D dungeon crawlers that break the mould with clever concepts, I can't recommend this enough.
Incredible game, a must play! Great job RedEmber!