I played on my laptop and had problems with anti ghosting when I tried to press left + up + space, though I guess the final game may have key remapping anyway (I prefer z for shoot)
My console was spammed with "not multiplayer" every frame
Destroying the asteroids early on felt tedious as it took a while and didn't have much challenge other than sit back and fire at them
After splitting a meteorite once with the laser, I wasn't able to use it again. I'm not sure if that's intended but there was no indication of why I couldn't use it.
It's not clear that an asteroid falling into a sun is a lose condition.
I played twice and lost both times on the pair of asteroids after the laser. Top-down space things can be fun, but I wasn't feeling it so I didn't try again.
Feedback noted and will be incorporated in a future update. To answer the thing with the laser, it has a cool-down period and will make a noise when its ready again, though i understand that and other things were not very clear.
I played twice and lost both times on the pair of asteroids after the laser. Top-down space things can be fun, but I wasn't feeling it so I didn't try again.
Feedback noted and will be incorporated in a future update. To answer the thing with the laser, it has a cool-down period and will make a noise when its ready again, though i understand that and other things were not very clear.