I haven't finished this game yet (last time playing the webgl version up until meeting flynn), but this has so much potential!
Everytime i interacts and discover a new area, it feels like a new world to explore!
For now, the world is a bit barren, but it could be improved more i believe. The control are complex but great, most of the time. Though in some cases it's too slippery.
Definitely waiting for the full release.
This game is amazing, not only the animations and sprites are well-made but also how each mechanic is great. What is cool is hat every fairy and toad have a own personality, unlike he lifeless game characters and enemies seen in most games. The soundtracks are great away (the Fields is for now my favorite). This game is good already, then it'll be even better after the full release.
un gran juego, me gusta, literal te hace pensar y la mecanica es muy buena y la personaje tanbien esta Good