Really am enjoying this! It's a lot more forgiving than Darkest Dungeon, which is to say there's a lot less BS to it. It's also a lot more "plug and play", rather than "install 50 mods to make Darkest Dungeon Lewd", which takes a lot of dedication. I've only beaten the first boss so far, but I'm looking forward to pushing through the rest of the game now that I have two elite teams.
Speaking of which, getting Elite teams IS a bit of a drag. A huge positive of the game is that you can actually use higher level units on lower level dungeons, but the trade off is that instead of just doing "X many dungeons to level up", you have to complete individual goals for each character, which can be very frustrating in the early game. Many times I will end up with "Do no damage" on my DPS characters, or "kill X many things" on my supports (which is to say that character needs to get the final blow, not to be confused with defeat X many things, which only requires them to be in the party when an enemy is killed). Granted you can spend mana in the early game to change what is needed, but early game mana feels scarce when you're trying to upgrade your buildings.
Overall, despite my complaints, the game is a solid core that just needs some polishing. Having a game build with mod support in mind is a HUGE plus, and shows that the creator really cares about the player in willing to change the rules set before us. With more updates coming out, and things getting that said polished, the game has a bright future.
is there a way too have ur web saves on the downloaded game