This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-04-07 20:00:00 to 2023-04-15 04:59:59. View results

Welcome to the AHT Ambassador's 1st Game Jam!


Kick off: 4/7, 3pm

Submissions Due: 4/14, 11:59pm

Closing: 4/19, 4pm

THEME: Collaboration 

What do we mean by that? Collaborate with your consultant (the non-ATEC/CS member of your team) to come up with a unique game influenced by their major! This can be through mechanics, narrative, art, etc.)


1. All team members must be UTD students

2. Each team can have a max of 6 students

3. Each team must have at least 1 consultant (A non-ATEC/CS major)

4. Games can be digital or analog

5. Any assets that are not your own must be given credit

6. Any assets used can not be paid for assets

7. Credit must be given to anyone who worked on the game

8. Games cannot include any NSFW or offensive/discriminatory content

9. All submissions must be turned in on the game jam 

(You're in the right place!)

10. All submissions must be a game that you created during the jam


1. Cohesive design: Aesthetics, Narrative, Audio

2. Game design & Mechanics: Gameplay, level design, innovation

3. Theme Adherence: Use of theme, theme implementation


All submissions due by Friday, April 14th at11:59 pm

Digital Games: Either a zipped folder with a Windows build or a WebGL build or

Analog Games: A zipped folder with a print & play version of your game

Your game also needs to include a

Consultation Paper: A summary of how the information provided by the consultant inspired the game with a list of any sources used


Takes place from Friday, April 14th until Tuesday, April 18th at11:59 pm

Judging will be done by a handful of faculty and AHT Ambassadors

Students are welcome and encouraged to rate submissions. These ratings will factor in as a single judge

Winners will be announced at the Closing Ceremony 


AHT Game Jam Discord:  For any other questions, either email us at or stop by the Welcome Center (ATC 1.701) or JO 4.134.


How does it work?

During the Kick-Off event, which will be recorded and live-streamed over Teams for online participants, we will reveal the full set of rules as well as what limitations will be put on the games. Over the course of the next week until April 14th, you and your team can work on your game however you wish to do so. Some people will have meetups in person while others might work fully online; it's completely up to your group. The final turn-in will be through an page that will be shared during the Kick-Off presentation.

Afterwards, the judges will spend Friday through Tuesday taking time to judge and rank the games based on 3 categories that will be revealed during the Kick-Off presentation. On Wednesday, we will reveal the winners as well as show off any runner-ups during the closing ceremony.

Do you need specific materials or programs to be able to participate?

Nope! You are welcome to use any program you wish. As for analog games, they need to be printed out to be played by the judges, so you don’t need any physical materials.

Where are the Kick-Off and Closing Events going to be located?

In addition to the in-person locations, we will also be streaming the Kick-Off and Closing events via the AHT Game Jam Discord.

Kick-Off will take place in ATC 1.305 on Friday, April 7th from 3pm - 4pm.

The Closing Ceremony will take place in ATC 3.601 on Wednesday, April 19th from 4pm - 5pm.

Example of Team Line Ups & Roles

Typically on a team, there is at least a game designer, a coder, and an artist, but the composition of teams can vary greatly. Many participants will take on more than one role in development as well. You don’t need to declare a role; this is just to help new participants get an idea of what they could possibly do.

List of possible roles:

  • Consultant/Researcher
  • Narrative Design
  • Character Design & Art
  • Non-Character Design & Art
  • User Interface (UI) Design & Art
  • Animator
  • Project Manager
  • Level Design
  • Game Design and Mechanics
  • Coding
  • Sound Design
  • Lighting
  • Rigging


All submissions
Windows (2)
macOS (2)
Linux (2)

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rhythm game visual novel
Visual Novel
Your Chemical Romance
Visual Novel
A game about PTSD and its effects on a Vietnamese refugee and his son