This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-07-01 05:00:00 to 2021-08-14 04:59:59. View 5 entries

AmalgamAsh's MEGA MINUTIAE 2021 JAM

What is this!?

check out the introduction video here!

AmalgamAsh's Jams are always jams that are more than just game jams - they are special jams that allow the submission of games, demos, proof-of-concepts, visual novels, gamified advertisements, stories, and even assets made by / for game engines!  In addition, they aren't strict time-crunches, but allow time and encourage motivation for devs to participate with larger or complex submissions when possible!

What can I submit?
You can submit ANY of the following as long as it meets jam rules, theme and limitation!

  • your full game
  • your demo or pre-alpha or alpha or beta
  • your proof-of-concept
  • your unpolished work-in-progress, full of bugs and in need of testing
  • your project file (for others to study and possibly use as a template for their games)

What is the Jam limitation?
Specific engine use is the jam limitation!

Your submission MUST be created using the following engines only.  Read carefully, as other engines are not qualified!

  • RPG Maker (any version, any combination of plugins)
  • Smile Game Builder
  • RPG Paper Maker
  • RPG in a Box
  • Pixel Game Maker MV
  • Ren'Py
  • Visual Novel Maker
  • RPG Wizard
  • Wolf RPG Editor
  • Official Hamster Republic RPG Creation Engine
  • SRPG Studio
  • Maker4D  (it might be horrifying to look at, but I'll still try to play it!)
  • Maker3D (it might be broke, but I'll still try to play it!)
  • RPGToolkit (it might be broke, but I'll still try to play it!)
  • M.U.G.E.N

What is the jam theme?
Participants MUST choose from one or more of the following themes, and are allowed to interpret / present them in any context they want!

  • Bunny
  • Card
  • Mask
  • Ash
  • Etiquette

Why aren't you allowing the use of [insert engine here]?
This jam is focused on the inclusion of templated engines - engines suited to creating a very particular type of game, and providing the framework out-of-the-box for doing so.

But [engine] can make an RPG! You just have to download...
I am aware.  Please read the explanation above as many times as is necessary to understand. 

But you don't have [RPG / VN / Fighting game engine] listed!
I am always looking for more RPG engines and other templated engines!  If you don't see one listed that you think should count, just message me!

Is there a challenge?
There are OPTIONAL challenges!
For people who aren't concerned about the winning aspect and just prefer the exposition and ratings / feedback for their game, no action is needed!
For those who would like a more traditional game jam challenge, I have created several challenges; for each challenge successfully met, a point will be rewarded towards the final score of that game for grand prize purposes!
Submissions can choose to meet ANY  of the challenges outlined below - ANY number, ANY combination!
To earn points for each challenge met, Participants must  specify during submission which challenges they chose!

  • Must never have been published / uploaded for playing before; the Mega Minutiae shall be its first exposure to the world!
  • Must point out that it is made specifically for this jam by indicating in the title (like, "MEGA MINUTIAE JAM EDITION!" or even, "Ash's Jam Version!")
  • Must use a palette of 4 colors.
  • Must use only one chiptune song for music (it may be remixed and reused, but must have been one file).
  • Game's main character must be / use a literal crab model or sprite.
  • The entirety of the game takes place in one room that does not stretch beyond the boundary of the screen (unless the engine can't confine the viewport within the room).
  • Game has exactly one party member, one enemy, and there is one NPC.
  • Game must be fully voiced.
  • Game's title must have the word FORKING in it.  The context is yours to decide.
  • Game's subtitle must be four words long, each word exactly four letters.
  • Must contain a game-breaking glitch or softlock (provide warning for players).
  • The main character only uses 1-hit KO attacks.
  • Game must have five bosses characters.
  • Game must provide a dating simulation.
  • Make every object in the game interactable.
  • Story must heavily reference Pavlovian conditioning.
  • Story must heavily reference the work of Lewis Carroll.
  • Game's protagonist must be a REPORTER or JOURNALIST of some kind.
  • Game's antagonist must be someone who would be considered LAWFUL GOOD.
  • Game's tritagonist (usually this is the sidekick, or love interest another important character - the "third most important!") is a TURTLE.
  • Game must feature three different possible endings.
  • Game never uses the letter "E" in any dialogue, name, menu item, or any other displayed context.

(Only TWO challenges need to be selected per participant - it is the participant's choice which two, and if they want to take more!)

What happens after I submit?
After the submission period ends, AmalgamAsh will play or showcase all submissions on his channel, one submission per video per day until all of the entries have been broadcast!  After that, a montage video will be made to commemorate the entries, and a winner will be selected and announced!

What are participant prizes?
For this Mega Minutiae Jam, each participant of a qualified entry (both asset and non-asset) will receive:
-The official (counterfeit) jam trophy made exclusively for jam participants!
-A special role in the Amalgam Archive Discord!
-A video showcasing their project on AmalgamAsh's channel as soon as possible!

Is there a Grand Prize?

-Access to the download version of everything available on (the content is already free, but the bulk download comes at a price) - sponsored by Tirodem!
-A special jam trophy made exclusively for the winner!
-a special jam winner Discord role in my server (worthless!)
-Bragging rights for a year!

What are the judgement criteria?
For non-asset submissions, AmalgamAsh will either judge directly or select a panel of judges who will assist with the process.
From that point, games will be judged:

  • On their playability (five points);
  • On their perceived level of completion (five points);
  • On their level of fun (five points);
  • On whether they incorporated their chosen theme in an obvious manner (five points);
  • On whether they addressed both of their challenges legitimately (five points);
  • On whether the developer took on additional challenges and addressed them legitimately (one point per additional challenge, up to the number of challenges that exist).

(as ties are entirely possible, judge(s) will determine methods by which to break ties, and proclaim a single winner.)

OFFICIAL RULES!  Please read carefully!

1.  Your submission cannot contain material that you do not have the right to distribute, and you must have the appropriate license or permission to use all of the materials in your submission!

1a. If your game is a fan project that does contain assets you do not own, you can still submit it - but it will be disqualified from winning and subject to censorship if played on the channel.

2.  Your submission must be free and remain free as long as it is in the jam.  If your project is planned to be commercial, consider creating a "demo" version that you can keep free and accessible!

3.  Mature / NSFW elements are OK.  Submissions must be marked as 18+ and will be subject to censorship when presented.  Contact me with details if you want to submit, but are unsure!

4.  You must allow me (AmalgamAsh) to use / play / showcase your submission in any number of videos on my YouTube, Twitch and or Odysee channels, for the purpose of "Let's Play" or overview videos!

5.  IF A GAME (whether ALPHA, COMPLETE, DEMO, WIP, PROOF OF CONCEPT) or PROJECT FILE, your submission HAS to be made in the engines listed above!

6.  IF ASSETS (whether GRAPHICS, SOUND, or RESOURCES such as MAPS or PLUGINS), must be made FOR developers who want to use the engines listed above, they must specify in which engine(s) they can be used, and they must be import-ready to use in those engines WITHOUT additional work by the dev! 

7.  Your submission must be special in some way for the jam -- if you've published it previously, it must have an update or change reflecting one of the themes or challenges listed above!


Q.  Can I submit a project I have already uploaded somewhere else?
A.  Yes, but only if it can fit the chosen theme and challenges.  If it cannot, then it must be updated to do so (and hence be a special edition!)

Q.  Can I submit my project to other jams afterwards / at the same time as this one?
A.  Yes!

Q.  My project is a fan project that contains copyrighted assets, but I'm not charging money for it.  Can I submit it?
A.  You can submit it, but it will be disqualified from winning (useful for dev exposure only).

Q.  Why are you not allowing certain engines like Godot?
A.  This jam is for "templated" RPG engines and other game genre framework engines only.

Q.  Can I submit a game I made that is not an RPG?
A.  Yes, as long as it is made in the engines listed above, it can be any genre!

Q.  Do I have to use "default" assets or RTP?
A.  No, you are allowed to use any assets you wish, if you have permission / license etc.

Q.  What about submission of 18+ material?
A.  You can submit NSFW / Mature (18+) content, but it must be flagged as such during submission, and may be censored during presentation.

Q.  I have another question?
A.  You can message me on discord or ask in the community section on the jam page ^^  Frequently asked questions will be added here!


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100 years after the Unity Wars, an incident between two powerful kingdoms escalate into a new civil war.
project file and small demo in a nice wilderness spot with animals
This is really just a normal crab game guys...
The game version made for AmalgamAsh's MEGA MINUTIAE 2021 JAM based on [Neolithic]TtE version 20210812
Role Playing
A Japan Augment Reality Experience RPG
Role Playing