A game dev that celebrates anime game devs and anime-themed games!
You can join our discord server to interact with our new up-and-coming community!
The main idea behind this server (and game jam) is to help connect fellow anime game devs with people who love anime games! (or maybe even just game devs and anime fans in general!) Theres a ton of people who love anime games, and they just struggle to find them!!!!!
This is a chill game jam! The ultimate goal is to submit a game that is anime-themed!
Since this is the first game jam of the anime game dev server, there will be no theme, but we will provide optional "ideas" to get you started ^^
There will be 1 month to submit (1st january to 3rd February - there will be 3 extra days to submit late or edit your entries as well.)
this page is a WIP! More will be updated over the months as we get closer :) feel free to ask any questions in our discord server.