Kissing Comrades is a heartfelt punch in the Nazi.
I give it 5 big smashes to the fash!
A clever Forged in the Dark game which isn't content with chaning the original game's setting; instead, it uses it to tell a story about rebellion, which I find much more interesting in the long run.
The game is not finished but already very promising: the author has a clear vision and it looks well on its way to become a reality!
Queer, political, perfect. Cute and authentic with an emphasis on consent and activism.
The usual troll-bait you'd expect, especially from the logo. I'm sure it'll have its die-hard defenders, but frankly it's just loaded with lots of the usual "deviant" behavior that makes people feel like they're doing something important when the reality is... Nobody cares. Not worth your brain-cells or time.