This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-11-23 05:00:00 to 2020-12-23 05:00:00. View 68 entries

A self-proclaimed wise person once said "art is ego first, audience last."

Well, nobody's ever called me wise.

Make a thought piece with unplayable mechanics. Do it in an hour or less.

Or don't - I'm not a cop. Just:

  • Don't be shitty, racist, classist, fascist, ableist, transphobic, homophobic, or shitty (I said shitty twice), and
  • Charge what you want for it, and
  • Don't, under any circumstances, playtest it.


All submissions
Browser playable (3)
Windows (3)
macOS (1)

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a bittersweet feverdream for two
Solo, survival horror, writing game
Games: Unruly Rending, Piping Sense: A collection of Game Design Anti-Advice
A journaling game of the making or breaking of a vigilante hero.
A one page GM-less roleplaying game of suspense for 1 or more players.
A Tabletop RPG about zany cartoons in a crazy, wonky town!
[FR/EN] mini-zine-zini
Run in browser
You and your magical friends are planning a surprise birthday party for someone special. Will there be a happy ending?
A TTRPG about Mary Sues
A lyric game about process
Short storytelling game about miscommunication, in space
Discover the magic of friendship
Eight Approaches To "Self Control"
A ritual about coming back different
​A word association game that is based on song titles. Are you hip enough to play?
Interactive Fiction
Play in browser
an absurd death spiral
NSFW. homicide, suicide
You've become the main character on [website]. Escape your bad takes by posting more.
A journaling game of rising waters.
LARP artistically with your cat
A "Game" for smokers, also known as Last Cigarette
A personal game about fighting your anxiety and depression for 2 players.
Reality TV + Family Drama RPG
Go outside and enjoy a walk in nature.
A single page game-shaped something-or-other
Writer's anxiety getting you down? Cheer yourself up by playing the game of successful authorship!
a solo game that's your friend writing to you
Interactive Fiction
Dungeon-crawl roleplay like the Romans do.
You play a drug addled chef who has been mistakenly given a TV show.
a solo ttrpg about the taste for the impossible
Climb a mountain and face some challenges. Have fun!
Taking passive perception to its logical conclusion
Cyberpunk 2077 + Subway Surfers = ?
a fine evening surrounded by finer ~art~ and heated conversation
character creation for two
A pamphlet-style RPG with a rock-paper-scissors twist.
Space battles with dice
A supplement to the game of life meant to keep track of the development and state of a player's psyche.
Wanna Draw Cryptids with Math?
Play in browser
crabcore mecha rpg
A game about finding your shit in the dark
A quick game to play any time a discourse breaks out.
A game of fey-related fuckery.
Please don't actually pay for this
An unplaytested game for TRUE FANS everywhere
A game about fighting for abolition.
Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you want to have a fixed action pattern?
A minimalist ttrpg on the role of artists in a crumbling society
​It's a game cause when you watch it you press "Play"
A card game for two or more players.
All of the world-shattering RPG Theory Zine in one convenient place.