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StarshineScribbles published a mockery 4 years ago
A downloadable mockery.
" Attack And Dethrone God ," is often attributed to the Weather Underground Organization's manifesto. Despite the fact that the manifesto didn't include such a statement. But what if you could find God, rough them up and steal their throne...
Mythworks published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
#INCITE is a micro-rpg that examines when demonstrations incite confrontation. The game is designed as a zero-prep one shot tabletop RPG experience lasting around 1-2 hours. Character creation takes less than a minute and a robust meta-stru...
Bragrman rated a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.

Great game! I had the pleasure of running this game at PAX Australia. It’s got some innovative collaborative storytelling mechanics and is very easy to get the hang of. 

Tin Star Games published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
Trapped on Earth. Surrounded by Enemies. Desperate for Answers. God has gone and the Gates of Heaven have slammed shut, leaving angels and demons abandoned on the mortal world. Their powers, long trapped in physical objects, now begin to aw...
tagamantra updated a TTRPG 4 years ago
A downloadable TTRPG.
Updated minimum price to $20.00. Updated page content.
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