This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-06-01 16:00:00 to 2023-07-03 03:59:59. View 18 entries
Happy Pride, y'all!
Why do your best work when you can just play? Come join the queer block party! We're f*cking around with design and the finding out part is optional.
Looking for queer designers with half-ideas, layout experiments, things you'll never finish, things you won't playtest, unedited work. Just throw some ideas at the page and see what sticks.
Write 10 PBtA moves that are impractical. Make a random table that so niche you don't know where to use it. Make a terrible monster for your adventuring party to meme with.
Absolutely no bigotry (includes fatphobia, ableism, misogyny, etc). This jam is not open to racists or fascists or queerphobes.
I warmly welcome designers who are BIMPOC, Disabled, Mad, Trans, Aro/Ace, Anyone who worries they aren't Queer enough (you are!)
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